There is commonly little ecological memory in insects after fire. Insects are the most damaged part of Animalia. Vertebrates can come back as the food chain rebuild, insects do not restore.

There is no information on insects who lived in the burnt, or otherwise destroyed, biotopes of the ancient forest and wetlands of the area. Present insects arrived from other areas, therefore classifying insects into “native” and “exotic” is impossible.

    Insects are living through an apocalypse at present. They suffer the most massive extinction since dinosaurs.                                             Insect populations suffering now death by 1,000 cuts

More than 75 percent decline over 27 years in total flying insect biomass in protected areas

    Main cause of disappearance of insects: deforestation. Pesticides play a significant role on regional level, but not in the valley. The newly arrived smartphones play a role in insect mortality.

There is little light pollution in the valley - beneficial factor for the insects.

    Insects form the basis of the biodiversity of the Earth. Insects are the foundation of wetland ecosystems and are good bioindicators for their health.

    Apart from the horseflies and mosquitos (important for bats - iconic species) the insect life of the area is quite poor.  Global expansion of mosquito borne viruses risk with climate change

        Different species of ants (positive introductions) are present in the area. They are important for the soil.                                                            Ants can tell you a lot about the health of ecosystems

The number of pollinator species is quite small, continues to decline. Hummingbirds act as pollinators.   

Bees are sentient and intelligent, as well as bumblebees. There are several species of wild solitary bees in the area, mainly living in the sand and tree trunks. Keeping fallen trees on the ground is really important for insects. An average number of species of wild bees is 600 per country, about 50% are under threat of extinction. Wild bees and bumblebees are not moving south with climate change but become more scarce in their habitat. No honey bee hives are authorised in the project in order to avoid putting additional stress on wild insects.

Pesticides and hunger have been and are killing bees (and other insects)

Legal issues relating to bees are part of Roman law, such as the question: who owns the swarm of bees?

The scarcity of insects has a negative impact on:

Reforestation - lack of pollinators.

Migrating birds feeding on insects.

