Mammals Mamíferos
Pumas, foxes and bats are protected by national law;
Pumas, zorros y murciélagos son protegidos por la legislación nacional.
Con alta probabilidad hay presencia de roedores siguientes, la mayoría porta el hantavirus:
-Ratoncito oliváсeo (Abrothrix olivaceus, LC)
-Ratoncito de hocico (Abrothrix xanthorhimus, NA)
-Lauchon orejudo austral (Phyllotis xanthopygus, LC)
-Laucha doméstica (Mus musculus, LC)
-Ratita de piel sedosa (Eligmodontia morgani, LC)
Our wild neighbours.
They do not come to visit us, but we occupied their home.
Nuestros vecinos salvajes.
No vienen a visitarnos, pero ocupamos sus casas.
The scarce wild neighbours left after the destruction of their natural habitat,
extensive hunting and lack of conservation measures:
• Large mammals such as Hipparion, Panthera once mesembrina or the Mylodon disappeared
10 000 - 13 000 years ago, with the advance of the human population, like everywhere on Earth.
• Mammals are disappearing a thousand times faster because of humans.
• Piche: The pichi is the only xenarthran known to hibernate. During winter, its body temperature can drop as low as 14.5 °C. La caza del piche es una actividad frecuente en la Patagonia.
• The vixen can adapt the number of embryos to the available resources - population balance.
• Llaman a mejorar condiciones de rescate de fauna silvestre herida.
• At the end of the Leones Valley a small but previously unknown and completely isolated population of huemul was discovered in 1999.
El estado de conservación, según la Lista Roja de la UICN:
NA (not assessed) - no evaluado; LC (least concern)- preocupación menor; NT (nearly threatened) - casi amenazada + tendencia de la población. “No CdV” - taxón no incluido en el Catálogo de vida.