
  Wetlands - Humedales

Wetlands are particularly sensitive areas and benefit from special protection, eg fencing.

These wetlands are located high and on private land,

they are not accessible, many of them are quicksand swamps and dangerous.

Los humedales son áreas particularmente sensibles y

benefician de una protección especial, por ejemplo, cercas.

Estos humedales están ubicados en lo alto y en terrenos privados, son inaccesibles, muchos son pantanos de arenas movedizas peligrosos.

Las turberas como compromiso de Chile frente al cambio climático

Dr Fernan Silva, SAG:  publicaciones humedales Aysén  

Humedales de Aysén F. Silva SAG.pdf

Wetlands are the most fertile non-marine ecosystems on the planet.

They produce 2,5 kg/m2 of carbon mass, more than tropical forests.

Wetlands are among the richest ecosystems of Earth.

Sphagnum in the wetlands - valuable for ecosystem and for combating climate change, acting as carbon storage. Wetlands of the region need special protection: Sphagnum is heavily exploited in and exported from the region.

Wetlands are valuable allies for forest restoration: provide stabilising surface around seedlings and for woodland islands.

Wetlands are natural climate buffers.

Peat absorbs more CO2 than forests.  Some peat bogs turn into forested areas when protected, like the peat bog in the project.

Inland wetlands disappear faster than coastal.

Freshwater habitats are fragile pockets of exceptional biodiversity.

What the world needs now to fight climate change: More swamps

Ecologists buy blue gum plantation and transform it into wetland it once was

Wetlands are mainly regulated internationally.

Ramsar convention on wetlands.

Universal declaration of rights of wetlands

Global peatlands initiative.

Wetlands international: www.wetlands.org.

Ley humedales urbanos 21.292.

Restoration of peatlands: elimination of cattle, of drainage.